Holidays & Occasions

H O W has it been 20 YEARS since I opened Juniper Flowers ?!

From humble beginnings at the Sorrento Hotel to a shop in Queen Anne, weathering the financial meltdown of 2008 by working out of my garage for 5 years… It was late summer 2015 when we moved into our current location in Fremont. There’s nothing better than the hidden gem we’ve created here on N. 36th Street. It’s my sanctuary, creative palace, and friendly meeting spot. Stop by and introduce yourself if you’ve never been. And if you have, please come back again soon! Warmly, Jean Louise

I would be remiss to not include a bit of eye candy in this post! Below is one of our best sellers, the Dark and Sexy. It comes in various sizes and boasts beautiful jewel tones of violets and burgundy.

Along with our flowers, we've added new fragrances to our Cancelled Plans candle line as well as popular wines and champagnes to our custom Gift Crates. Both have great options for the upcoming Valentine's Day so be sure to check it out and share some love!

Thank you for flowering along with us for the past twenty years! 

We appreciate you all!

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